Mutual Exchange
If you are a tenant of Eastbourne Borough Council or Lewes District council, you can register for a mutual exchange. This is an easy way to relocate by swapping your home with another social housing tenant.
Please be aware you cannot exchange your property without the prior consent from the council, contact us to have an application form sent out to you.
To apply you must have a secure tenancy. You should check what your tenancy rights will be in a new home before you agree to a tenancy exchange as you may get different or fewer rights with your new tenancy.
We will not normally make offers of accommodation to transfer applicants in rent arrears or in breach of any other aspect of their tenancy. It is also subject to a satisfactory inspection of your home, this is to ensure you have maintained it and no unauthorised alterations have taken place. If your application is refused, you will be advised in writing within 15 working days explaining why.
Once we have approved your application, you can register for a Mutual Exchange via the Homeswapper website. This is a website for social housing tenants who want a mutual exchange. It includes swaps across the country including Eastbourne and Lewes districts. You can register to find somebody who has a suitable sized property who will swap with you.